Samdock changelog

Import your notes, add custom text areas, and more!

Import note activities to Samdock!

Now you can import your note activities for your persons and organizations using our import feature. For a step-by-step guide, follow the instructions below:

Add multiline custom fields

You can now add multiline text into your custom fields in person and organization detail pages. Simply go to your custom field settings, and find the new text-area option in the list of custom fields. You can view your text in the detail pages and contact view columns and filter them by any text value present in the text area data.

Forward emails from the inbox center

Emails can now be forwarded from email threads in the inbox center.

Improvements and bug fixes:

  • It is possible to now view charts and dashboards for the time period "This year"

  • We made improvements in lexoffice for a faster and smoother connection to lexoffice from Samdock

  • Fixed issue where email sync did not work in some cases